Paper: Behavior Wizard

October 2nd, 2010

behavior wizard method for matching paper

A Method for Matching Target Behaviors with Solutions

This paper presents a method for matching target behaviors with solutions for achieving those behaviors. Called the Behavior Wizard, this method first classifies behavior change targets into one of 15 types. Later stages focus on triggers for the target behaviors and on relevant theories and techniques. This new approach to persuasive design, as well as the terminology we propose, can lead to insights into the patterns of behavior change.

Download the paper here.

Paper: Self-Disclosure via Mobile Messaging

October 2nd, 2010

intimate self-disclosure via mobile messaging paper abstract

Influence Strategies and Social Responses to Communication Technologies

This paper presents a study that examines SRCT in the context of ubiquitous computing. Social responses to communication technologies theory (SRCT) says that people tend to treat computers as social actors by mindlessly applying social rules. Little work has evaluated this theory in ubiquitous computing. This work tests SRCT for the first time in the context of self-disclosure via messaging on mobile phones.

Download the paper here.

Paper: Motivating, Influencing, and Persuading Users

October 2nd, 2010

motivating influencing and persuading users chapter outlineThis paper (part of “The human-computer interaction handbook: fundamentals, evolving technologies and emerging applications”) introduces the concept of captology – the study of computers as persuasive technology.

Download the paper here.

Paper: The Behavior Chain for Online Participation

October 1st, 2010

behavior chain for online participation modelHow Successful Web Services Structure Persuasion

Whether working as a social actor, a tool, or a medium, interactive technologies can change people’s attitudes and behaviors using influence strategies established by the social sciences. Persuasive technology is ubiquitous on the Web, and many Web services are successful in bringing about behavior change. This paper examines a pattern of behavior change found across many successful Web services.

Download the paper here.

Paper: Behavior Model for User Design

October 1st, 2010

This paper presents a new model for understanding human behavior. In this model (FBM), behavior is a product of three factors: motivation, ability, and triggers, each of which has subcomponents. The FBM is useful in analysis and design of persuasive technologies.

Download the paper here.

Resources: Mobile Persuasion Conference 2007

September 30th, 2010

mobile persuasion conference 2007Over 260 people came to Stanford University for the first Mobile Persuasion conference in 2007.

Hosted by Stanford’s Persuasive Technology Lab, this “sold out” event brought together innovators, designers, and researchers interested in mobile technologies that change people’s beliefs and behaviors.

A book was published from the various speakers who presented at the conference. Read more about the Mobile Persuasion book.

View the 2007 conference program on the conference website.

Mobile Persuasion

December 2nd, 2009

Mobile persuasion is important to understand. Our lab’s director, BJ Fogg, predicts that in 10-15 years mobile phones will be the primary platform for changing people’s attitudes and behaviors, surpassing the persuasive power of TV, radio, and the web — combined.

The resources on this page reflect the Persuasive Tech Lab’s research into how mobile phones can be platforms for persuasion – in health, commerce, activism, and more. Most of our efforts focus on mobile devices and how they can be used to change people’s health behaviors.

Design for Impact

November 21st, 2009

The Persuasive Tech Lab studies and practices persuasive design. We have seen the lack of a well-defined process for designing persuasive technologies. The resources on this page aim to change that. They include best practices for developing digital experiences that influence people and other critical tools for understanding how to design for persuasion successfully.

Teachers & Trainers

October 7th, 2009

Our lab endeavors to create frameworks and theories that are about helping people understand and measure what matters. As teachers and trainers we want to put the tools and resources we’ve created in your hands.

Here are some simple ways you can engage with the lab’s work:

  • Read this website and the resources we’ve created.
  • Use our materials in your teaching (see the Resources section to get started)
  • Tell us how we can make our materials better for you (we’re always in learning mode)
  • Tell us other materials you’d like us to create
  • To stay updated on opportunities with our lab, join our mailing list