Archive for the ‘Engage’ Category

Designers & Interventionists

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

We’d like to help you understand persuasive technology and the new tools for persuasion. We can introduce you to a new model of behavior change and outline steps for designing persuasive experiences. You can get started by doing these things:

  • Use our materials to help you design for impact
  • Let us know about your successes and failures (we’re always in learning mode)
  • Bring us in to speak or train your team (email BJ Fogg)
  • Attend our events (see our Events page)
  • If you want to collaborate with us, check out the Engage section
  • To stay updated on opportunities with our lab, join our mailing list

Teachers & Trainers

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Our lab endeavors to create frameworks and theories that are about helping people understand and measure what matters. As teachers and trainers we want to put the tools and resources we’ve created in your hands.

Here are some simple ways you can engage with the lab’s work:

  • Read this website and the resources we’ve created.
  • Use our materials in your teaching (see the Resources section to get started)
  • Tell us how we can make our materials better for you (we’re always in learning mode)
  • Tell us other materials you’d like us to create
  • To stay updated on opportunities with our lab, join our mailing list

Prospective Students

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

If you’re a prospective student or already a Stanford student interested in the Persuasive Tech Lab’s work you can engage with us in a few simple ways:

  • Read this website and the materials we’ve created
  • Take BJ’s next class
  • You can’t join the lab until you take one of BJ’s classes (some exceptions to this rule)
  • To stay updated on opportunities with our lab, join our mailing list

For graduate students interested in doing research with the lab at Stanford University, please visit our Researchers page.

While these are the primary ways that you can engage with the lab as a student, there may be other opportunities. Please email BJ Fogg with your specific interests.


Friday, October 10th, 2008

We realize our work can benefit with collaborations with researchers outside the Persuasive Tech Lab. Here are some simple ways we encourage you to collaborate with us.

  • Read our work, and share your related work with us.
  • Tell us about your projects related to captology (we’re always in learning mode)
  • Share with us new material we may not have seen yet (please)
  • Please contact us to find out how to cite our unusual stuff
  • If you want to collaborate, read about partnership opportunities below
  • To stay updated on opportunities with our lab, join our mailing list

If you are interested in doing research with the lab at Stanford University, there are several ways this can happen.

For information about being a visiting scholar at Stanford, please read this information first. There is more here about the procedures for appointing visiting student researchers.

For researchers from outside Stanford, collaboration can happen with the Persuasive Tech Lab through an H-STAR partnership. For more information about this program and sample partnership agreements, please visit this page.

While these are the primary ways that you can do research with the lab, there may be other opportunities. Please email BJ Fogg with your specific interests.


Sunday, October 21st, 2007

Supporting the Persuasive Tech Lab

We welcome support of our lab’s work. We receive funding from national and international foundations and corporations. For more information, please email BJ Fogg.

Individuals may also support the Persuasive Tech Lab by making an unrestricted gift online through the Giving to Stanford website. All gifts to the lab are made directly to Stanford University. To designate the Persuasive Tech Lab, please select “Other” on the first pull-down menu. Then on the second page, select “Other Designation.” In the “Special Instructions” box please type – H-STAR Institute’s Persuasive Technology Program.

Gifts to the Persuasive Tech Lab are tax-deductible under applicable rules. The Lab is part of Stanford University’s tax exempt status as a Section 501 (c ) (3) public charity.

Sponsoring Persuasive Tech Lab Events

We typically hold at least one event a year where there are sponsorship opportunities. We are known for holding extremely well organized and insightful events. We do events that have exceptional impact. To learn more about upcoming and past events, please visit our Events page.

Sponsors benefit before, during, and after the event. We ensure that your company/organization is highly visible at the event and online. You will be recognized as a champion of innovation, have access to talented people, and receive VIP treatment. Sponsors have always been pleased with their association with our successful events.

To find out about sponsoring upcoming events or conference at Stanford, please contact BJ Fogg.


Saturday, October 21st, 2006

We’re happy to talk with media people. Many of our lab members can speak with authority about technology and persuasion.

The best way to get started is to read the information on this website. You’ll find the About and Projects sections especially relevant.

To set up an interview or ask specific questions email BJ Fogg.

a sampling of articles and interviews

Stand and Deliver
GT Musings Blog, June 7, 2011

Tapping the Powers of Persuasion
Technology Review, October 4, 2010

What’s the Next Game Changer in Digital Marketing?
ClickZ, August 20, 2010

Tech guilt: 5 ‘persuasive’ technologies to help you be good
CNN, August 13, 2010

Apps, texting can improve your health: Text messages can remind you to take your meds
CNN, May 21, 2010

Sharing your life online: How much is too much?
San Francisco Chronicle, April 27, 2009

10 new gurus you should know
Fortune, November 13, 2008

Why Facebook Is Even Bigger than You Think
Fast Company, May 19, 2008